Walk with God - Part 2

Scripture Reading - Genesis 5:24 KJV

And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

In today’s lesson we will speak on the topic of “Walking with God”. This Old Testament verse is mentioning that a normal natural man actually had “good fellowship with God”. Yes, the Great God of the universe does delight in spending time with His creation known as man. We hear of God having “fellowship” with Adam and Eve before the fall because that is His Perfect Will but sin separated God from man after the fall. This separation from God was man’s biggest curse because God’s eternal Life was no longer dwelling with man. When God’s Presence is all around you He (God Himself) will have you to think, speak and act differently. Yes, being around God will ultimately affect your whole DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid - hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms that stimulates your growth and development) because you will start changing into His Image and Likeness. Therefore we will highlight the fact that Enoch “walked with God” after the curse so even though man was separated from God through sin this verse assures us that it was never God’s will for Him to be separated from his creation. Imagine that you put a part of yourself into someone else, like a child, but that same child was taken away from you and put into a prison so that you couldn’t talk to them. This is the horrible position we placed God in when we sinned against Him. Always remember God came to Adam and Eve looking for “fellowship” while they both hid from God.-Genesis 3:8 If God was looking diligently to spend time with His Precious Creation how much more does God currently want to spend time with His Very Own Born-Again Children? Yes, many people could say, “God can do whatever He wants, He is God you know” However, we (ihlcc) would answer that that statement is not true. No, our faith friend, God is legally and spiritually bound by His Own Words. If God said I need man to ask for My help (known as prayer, fellowship, communion with God) because I am not running people’s lives without their consent that is the truth and that is exactly what is happening today. Yes, man just like in the Garden of Eden, has a will and if man chooses to disregard God or hide from The Presence of God (certain churches or certain people) the Lord Himself has given man that freedom. Hence, God is not forcing man to have “fellowship with Him”, the Good Gracious Lord rather leaves His door wide open to invite man into His Kingdom and House for personal “fellowship” between God and man. Yes, some men do take advantage of this blessing to draw closer to God whereas others see no immediate need to “fellowship” with God because of the wide spread deception that God is optional (the world’s viewpoint). Most people who don’t know God are in darkness due to their own decision to avoid the issue or a doctrine that preaches if man does good works he is OK with God. Whether their problem is self-induced or learned from another they still are outside of God’s Will when they don’t spend time “walking with God”. Needless to say when man is outside of God’s Will they are also outside of God’s Covenant which promises eternal life, love and “holy fellowship”. The reason we (ihlcc) are emphasizing “walking with the Lord” daily is because of today’s verse part “b”. The second half of today’s verse reads, “And he was not; for God took him.” This second half is just as important as the first half (Part “a”) because the word “and” is a conjunction which ties the two statement to each other. Yes, we must “walk with God daily” because we don’t know for certain the time of His visitation. All we can gather from today’s reference scripture is that while “walking with God” Enoch was translated from earth to Heaven. This is not speaking of a temporary visit to heaven then coming right back to the earth to continue his life. No, this implies a permanent switch from living upon the earth in man’s home to almost instantly living with God in His Heavenly Home. We notice when Enoch couldn’t go to heaven to personally visit God’s Throne (His Home) for “fellowship” so God came down to the earth (Enoch’s home or some place in the earth in Enoch’s area for their meeting) to be with Enoch primarily because God loves man. Yes, this shows us that God is willing to travel thousands upon thousands of miles just to be with one of His Creations, so how much more is He looking to have “fellowship” with one of His Beloved Children. This is why we (ihlcc) find it quite surprising that certain people (non-church goers) don’t want to travel a few miles to a church to “walk with God”. Yes, we as children of God, must be willing to spend sufficient time with God learning Him while He enhances us through teaching, counsel and comfort. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus because we are not just servants looking to do every commandment of God, no we are children of God desiring to get to know our Heavenly Father better. “Walking with God” requires a commitment to our Heavenly Father, such that He knows you have a scheduled appointment with Him every day not just the day’s you feel disparate or hopeless. “Walking with God” brings you peace and joy when you get to the place where you know how to hear from Him. Yes, sensing God’s Presence (The Holy Spirit) confirming God’s Word is the abundant life God mentions in John 10:10b. We were created to “walk with God” every day and doing this will require that we include the Holy Bible as our Bread of Life and the Holy Spirit as our Water for Life. Yes, we eat this Word of God daily expecting the Holy Spirit to illuminate our mind by helping us to understand the scriptures better. The Word of God brings us knowledge while the Holy Spirit brings us understanding with a soft heart. The better we understand exactly what God is saying personally to us the better we understand our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the ways and personality of the Holy Spirit Himself. “Walking with Our Father God” is a lifetime journey that can only be accomplished through our commitment to God to be with Him daily. We can survive without food for a few days but man normally eats a few times a day so why would our time spent with God be any different? If you believe you need God more than our daily food why wouldn’t we eat of His Word and Drink of His Spirit to obtain the Life of God we so desperately need? We (ihlcc) are not asking for a one or two hour commitment everyday day but rather you determine a set time and place for you and God to “fellowship” knowing that if more time is necessary God has all the time you need to help you overcome any problem you are dealing with. So in summary, “walking with God” on a daily basis is the same thing as “fellowship with God” on a daily basis. We do this to gain peace, strength, understanding and divine life but doing this also ensures that we will be taken by God during the rapture (taking away from the earth). Remember we “walk with God” first (today) and we are taken by God second (tomorrow - a day in the future) so it is very important to do part “a” of the reference verse first to guarantee the fulfillment of part “b” of today’s verse. God’s desire is to “walk with His Children” everyday so don’t deny God His pleasure but rather run to meet Him and as soon as you are there in His Presence (which you always are because He Is Omnipresent) just “walk with God” consistently and humbly. Doing this shall benefit many, God will be blessed, you will be refreshed and all those who know you will benefit from your “closer walk with God” while you are upon this earth because in Heaven all things are already made right and wonderful by our Heavenly Father God in Jesus Name. Amen!